I’d like you to meet my sweet friend Mandy. She and I have worked together for 5 years, maybe?? at Dawson Memorial Baptist. I could NOT do my job as Ballet Director without her. She does almost all the admin stuff, not to mention all the stuff I just can’t get myself together enough to do. She’s seriously one of the sweetest, most selfless people I know. And she has been in love with this delightful man named Scott for several years. For about the last year, every time there was a birthday, anniversary, weekend trip or anything, we all checked her finger when she returned. So, when I got the email that he had proposed and adorned her little ringman with something sparkly, I was THRILLED for her!! And then, I got even more excited because I get to photograph the wedding!
We headed down to one of my favorite parks to do their engagement shoot. This couple is quite laid back and natural, so outdoors at a park seemed perfect. Scott was non-too-thrilled, like most men, and quite nervous about all the cheesy smiles he was gonna have to pull out. Luckily, I’m not that kind of photographer! I think I only asked him to smile twice. Otherwise, my normal spazzy self got some genuine laughs.
Isn’t she gorgeous? I love that he kinda looks like he’s her protector here.
And you should have seen the silly face she gave him just before this. Maybe it wasn’t ME that was getting him to smile after all.
Here they were having an intense chat about wedding details. I love the progression of emotions, and that it ends with the smile. I guess this is why they’re getting married!