Do you feel like you’re part of little Abigail’s life? We’ve watched her grow over the last 6 months. But I have sad news- it’s coming to an end. Her little family is leaving us for New Mexico in less than 2 weeks. They’re so excited and ready, but I am just a little sad that this photogenic little baby child is leaving me and my camera. Here’s one last little glimpse at that beauty at her baptism this past Sunday.
It was at my very beautiful little church, Altadena Valley Presbyterian Church. Such a dutiful and attentive little congregation member.
She had definite idea about how this should go. One was, she was not being held facing our preacher. She was looking at the congregation, dadgumit. And so she did. And I LOVE LOVE LOVED her face when the water sprinkled her head. She didn’t cry, but she was not happy. Just look at that face. It was not her favorite thing.
This expression! I like to think she can see and is peacefully fixated on the face of The creator as our pastor prays for her.