Recently I got to take little miss “C”‘s one-year-old pictures! You may remember her from this post a year ago. It was a beautiful afternoon/evening and we had so much fun laughing at this adorable baby girl. I really enjoyed it because I feel like my daughter was no longer a baby at one, but “C” still has so much baby in her. I have big problems with kids growing up (my grandmother always tells me “it’s better than the alternative,”) so I really love when the baby phase sticks around.
“C” was also funny because she was having NOTHING to do with that prickly grass nonsense. Thank heavens her beautiful mother came photo ready, so we just got a lot of their sweet relationship.I love this sweet, latched onto mommy, restful moment.
In this bunch, she is SO excited about the hat she’s throwing around. She would absolutely NOT wear the hat, but man-oh-man was it fun!