There is an adorable family that goes to my church that I hadn’t gotten to know very well. Their kids are a little older than mine, and we just hadn’t had many occasions to visit. This summer though, they had a new baby girl and I was so excited when Silena called me to take Vivien’s infant portraits. We did a few family portraits, too and they were really easy to photograph. They are such a close, comfortable family that it was easy for them to pretend I wasn’t there and just enjoy each other. I could have sat and talked to the two older kids, Will and Francie for hours. They’re so kind and respectful, but still talkative and eager to get to know me and be known. And both were so so so sweet with their baby sister.
Little Viv got sleepy and it took all of 1 second in Mommy’s arms to pass right out.
Then baby girl told us it was quittin’ time.