I was so excited to hear from another Homewood graduate about family portraits! Catie was younger than me, but I know her family from years of shared Homewood activities. She and her husband Matt and twin 2-year-olds have been living on Samford University’s campus as he goes to the Divinity School for the last few years. I love taking pictures at Samford because it is gorgeous no matter the season. But the fact that this has been the boys home their whole 2 years made it really special. This shall soon be a missionary family overseas (I’m planning to beg to go visit if they end up in France like they’re hoping) so it was a pleasure to capture them at this phase of life. We kept John David and Timothy close to Mom and Dad at first. They weren’t sure about that crazy photographer lady. I don’t blame of course- I’m a LOT at 7 am.
I feel like this is a glimpse at what life must be like with twins.
Their personalities are just as different as their appearance. Both equally cute and lovable!
They did warm up to me… and then it was over.