There were lots and lots of things I loved and intend to tell you about Dana and Alex’s wedding day. Sadly, I often forget the myriad details I want to explain, but I’m going to do my best! First of all, Dana’s father is the pastor at Mountain Chapel United Methodist Church. This was great for 2 reasons. 1- the church is beautiful and 2- it was the first time I saw a father perform his own daughter’s wedding ceremony. Another interesting tidbit is that Dana has teeny tiny fingers and Alex has huge ones. I was tickled trying to to do their ring shots because hers just fall right down inside his. Another thing is that Dana is gorgeous. I would have told you how pretty she was in the months leading up to her wedding, but on this day, she was stunning. I could really have spent all day playing with her and her amazing dress if it wasn’t for the small detail of getting married.Dana and her equally bubbly mom were SO tickled when Cindy gave her a kiss with lipstick on and left a huge lip imprint!
I am not always around when daddies see daughter brides the first time, but I’m so glad I saw this one.
You will see this head-thrown-back-laugh again and again. I love it!
Here is Alex. Let’s contrast this expression with one later in the post.
Alex is so sweet to his sister. If she got near him, he hugged or kissed her.
Dana and Alex were definitely not seeing each other before the big moment. But she wanted some images of them “not seeing” each other. I’m so glad she did because they’re so cute.
Tom walked Dana down the aisle AND performed the ceremony. Look how intimate it is since he’s the daddy.
Now let’s look at this expression. From this moment on, Alex beamed a lot. I think he likes his wife, huh?
The reception at SOHO was a big ole dance party. My favorite kind!
Seen that head thrown back somewhere before? I wonder where Dana got it??
Throughout the evening Alex would weave through the crowd to get to Dana and give her one of these passionate hugs and kisses. You just couldn’t help but smile for their happiness.
Hooray for the McSorleys!!