This week has had so much sadness. It started out so beautifully though- the hope that Easter promises and a gorgeous day to celebrate. We enjoyed the morning at our church and the afternoon at my parents house. The Easter Bunny came…twice! My mom made this beautiful dress for Pierce. I don’t know if you can see the monogram on the collar, but it’s gorgeous. This fake smile on my daughter is absolutely killing me.
I guess this is how Adelaide’s life will go. Pierce will open her presents and choose which ones she gets to have.
Then we heard that the grown-up Easter Bunny came. Look at us go!!!!
And what has us so excited?
Why minis of course!!
Thanks to this gorgeous Easter bunny! (also the grown-up hunt photographer)
My mom also made this dress. Twenty-nine years ago.
Adelaide L-O-V-E-S my father. And the feeling is mutual. Aren’t they cute? The second pic is the face she made when Grandpapa covered her with the blanket. Peek-a-boo!