You know how you just click with some people right away? This is how it started with Elizabeth. The first time we talked about her wedding on the phone was just FUN. And who has fun on the phone the first time you talk? I don’t like the phone even when I know the person really well! So, I knew we were off to a good start. Then when we met, I’m sure Walt was thinking, “GEEZ! It’s my day off! Could you two shut it?”
Like me, both Walt and Elizabeth went to Homewood High School. But our age differences are just enough that we didn’t know each other. They did though, and have continued their love story since then. Walt proposed in a hot air balloon at this year’s BSC National Championship Game. (Not during the game!) Aren’t they romantic? She was completely surprised. May I just say…War Eagle!
We met for this engagement session at dawn during that little stretch of spring we had a few weeks ago. It was a little cooler than we wanted, since it was extremely cloudy. The clouds definitely messed up my sunrise plans, but provided the loveliest light. We had so much fun AND got some gorgeous engagement shots. I cannot WAIT for the wedding!!This next one is ONE of my favorites. Look at those legs!! And how GQ is Walt? I think they may have been coached before they arrived.
I gave these two very very little instruction, particularly on facial expression. How about those big, expressive eyes of hers?