There’s a character named Adelaide in the musical Guys and Dolls. I haven’t seen it, but many people have told me there is a song in the musical about the character and the title of this blog is a line from it! It sounds a little derogatory, but I’m thinking of it as positive. Adelaide is ever loving and we will love her forever! A few weeks ago I was REALLY feeling the love for this sweet baby of mine, so we had a little photo session to capture the moment. Her blue eyes are really this amazing. I did not mess with them!
She has her daddy’s adorable mouth. And his huge blue eyes.
Adelaide LOVES this blanket that my mom made for her when she was born. She has loved it since birth. Look how excited she is about it!
She also tries to eat it 🙂
This first picture is the face she makes when she’s talking. And the next picture is her clapping, which I love. It’s so dainty, even though it doesn’t look like it here!
Possibly my favorite picture of her to date.
Since this picture was taken, she’s gotten 2 teeth. But I sure do love those baby gums.
This covering-my-ears action= tired.
Sorry for so much of my little babe, but I just couldn’t resist!