If you’ve followed me/my work for long, you may remember me beginning to explore the prospect of an intern to help with my business about a year ago. I prayed and thought, and prayed and thought. One of the reasons photography is so perfect for me is that, while I’m passionate about it, I am also able to be at home with my children. However, the business has gotten so busy in the last year, that I find myself needing to be in front of the computer instead of enjoying the time with my precious girls. Recently, I had stopped investigating intern options and really just prayed and talked to my husband a lot. Then, this Saturday I was headed to a senior portrait session. I got a text from the mother saying, “Ruthie is there to meet you, ask her about the photography internship.” DING!!! A light turned on in my head as the answer to my questions and prayer started to be visible! I didn’t even remember telling her mother I was looking into that, but Ruthie seemed like the perfect fit.
Today, a precious young woman started working for/with me. I met Ruthie when she was in first grade, in a light blue leotard as she sat attentively in my ballet class. Even then, she was quietly confidant…comfortable in her own skin. As other girls talked about Disney World and the beach, she talked excitedly about going camping in her family’s popper. She’s calm and mature, but fun and oh-so-enjoyable to be around. As her initiation, she got to prepare this blog post about herself for you today. I just can’t quite express how happy I am to have her, and how relieved I am to have some help!
You should also know that she should be a model.