I realize that it’s well past Christmas and most of you are probably over it. But I just love it. I love my family, I love having my husband around for the holidays, I love the joy of the season, the music, all the church services, everything. So, this will be my last Christmas blog, but I did need just one more.
Both having our families in town, my husband and I do a bit of back and forth on Christmas Eve and day. We begin at his mom’s house for a light meal and presents. My sweet 5-month-old loved the present opening.
On Christmas morning, we wake at home and then head to my parent’s in our pjs. Here is Santa’s loot from our house this year. We open a billion presents at my mom’s house, including those from each other. I’m so excited to start playing with the film camera my husband gave me! And I was super sly with his gift this year. I wrapped it in a diaper box (we’ve got a few around) and when he saw it he said, “That doesn’t look like an iPad.” I responded, very cooly with a, “ooo, sorry, I don’t believe that was on your list.” Here is his gift Chrismas morning…
Adelaide LOVES my dad. He says he doesn’t think any child has ever taken to him like this.
I got many cool gifts, 6 of which were headbands. Here are just two of the bounty.
My mom, a master of many trades, knit us all stockings this year. They are so beautiful, and like the ornaments, will be special for many years to come.