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An unparalleled experience

I'm kennedy

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Sentimental photographer telling your story in an authentic way.

Photographer | Mom |
Lover of Small Details

Southeastern Wedding Photographer

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Je Vois Photography

I’m Grateful for…

God is always good and I am always loved.

Everything is eucharisteo.

Because eucharisteo is how Jesus, at the Last Supper, showed us to transfigure things- take the pain that is given, give thanks for it and transform it into a joy that fulfills all emptiness.  I have glimpsed it: This, the hard eucharisteo.  The  hard discipline to lean into the ugly and whisper thanks for all things at all times because He is all good.  The hard discipline to number the griefs as grace because as the surgeon would cut open my son’s finger to heal him, so God chooses to cut into my ungrateful heart to make me whole.

All is grace only  because all can transfigure.”  (Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, Zondervan, Grand Rapids Michigan, 2010, 100-101.)


31.  The windows and light in my living room

32.  the color of the afternoon sun on the newly painted white walls

33.  my serene new living room

34.  The way the antique glass reflects on the windows35.  the timer function on my camera