36. A husband who plays princesses and blows bubbles with our daughters37. that she got his big blue eyes and gentle spirit
38. …and eyelashes
39. bathtime
40. the never-ending joy of making anything a hat
41. baby bellies
42. that this one is taking her time growing up
“How do you count on life when the hopes don’t add up? The hopes don’t have to add up. The blessings do… This living a lifestyle of unintentional gratitude became an unintentional test in the trustworthiness of God- and in counting blessings I stumbled upon the way out of fear…Eucharisteo always precedes a miracle, child…I name the now gifts and I await a miracle. ” (Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, Zondervan, Grand Rapids Michigan, 2010, 151&161)