When I start thinking about what I’ll write as I blog a wedding I plan to say “This was my favorite part…” But within each wedding I have around 4 or 5 “favorite” parts. Instead of telling you all dozen of my favorite moments Jen and Tommy’s wedding, I’ll just warn you ahead of time- the whole day was perfection. So many favorites I don’t even know how to differentiate.
I’ve known Tommy since he was in middle school. He was always cute, quiet and likable. I met Jen last year, when we started talking about their wedding day. She was straightforward and confident, pretty and comfortable in her own skin. One of my best friend’s is Tommy’s sister, so I got to hear bits and pieces of the plans throughout their engagement and learn a little about this girl who had captured Tommy’s heart. I hadn’t gotten to know Tommy as a man and didn’t know too much about Jen, but I knew that this wedding was 100% representative of them. Her- a non-fussy, animal-loving girl and him a truly southern, outdoorsy gentleman.
The ceremony on the shores of Lake Martin at Children’s Harbor set the tone perfectly for a relaxed, traditional southern wedding.
Jen’s portraits at Children’s Harbor were beautiful, but we headed over to the reception site- The Stables at Russell’s Crossroad– for a few more. As we set foot in the barn this veterinarian bride who speaks about her horse Miles the way I do about my children morphed. I saw her. She relaxed, had fun, and got to be herself on her wedding day. This seems to be where she’s comfortable.
And then Tommy… if I didn’t tell you, you’d never know that he hated having his picture taken. He speaks with a slow southern drawl, treats ladies like we’re a treasure and went hunting on the morning of his wedding. I don’t know if I know a truer southern gentleman.
I love this difference between bride and groom pre-ceremony.
Tommy and Jen left the ceremony in his family’s antique wooden boat and headed to the barn.
Since they chose not to see each other before the ceremony, we did their portraits afterward. It was so relaxed and comfortable, meandering through the woods with a horse drawn carriage.
The reception venue was really quite amazing. It’s very large and has both real horses around and space for more elegant detail and decor. Jen and the families did quite a bit to put it together themselves. Sometimes this leads to a very stressed bride, but Jen and Tommy’s friends and family did such a great job taking care of everything that I didn’t see any problems or any stress for the bride.
I often mention that one thing that allows your wedding photos to be what you expect and hope for is to trust the photographer to get you in the right place at the right time on that day. Jen and Tommy let me take them where I wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted. The next few series are examples of what can happen when you DO trust your photographer to do what they do well.
Jen is adopted and has gotten to know her biological family over the last few years. Many of them came to the wedding and before the couple left, her mother and father had something for her. It was a ring of her biological grandmother’s. Her mother and all her sisters have one, and Jen was completely shocked. The icing on the cake? It goes perfectly with her wedding band!!
I absolutely loved this day and wish Jen and Tommy many days filled with this much happiness!!!