My Saturday started a little rough (stomach virus in the middle of the night.) And had a few bumps at the end (flat tire as I left the reception.) But the rest of the day was beautiful and filled with Jenny and Payton’s wedding festivities!
I hadn’t met Jenny or Payton before last year, although our lives were intermingled in several ways. We knew quite a bit of each other’s family and even have relatives married to each other. Both the bride and groom are fun-loving and peppy, but Jenny can be very down-to-business and Payton seems capable of being very laid back. It was fun to see how laid back and comfortable they were with each other, even in the midst of stress or exhaustion. On top of that, their families are delightful. I thoroughly enjoyed all of the people that surrounded this fun couple on their wedding day. They were married at Bluff Park Methodist Church with a reception at The Preserve Town Hall on this most perfect September day.
The day began with a brunch for the ladies on Saturday morning. Jenny’s brother was deployed to the Middle East a few months before the wedding and I caught this sweet moment as she received a text from him that morning. He told her he was sorry he couldn’t be there and that he loved her. It was an emotional moment. But, Bryant should know that he was mentioned over and over all day and was present in his whole family’s thoughts.
Meet the bridesmaids. In Jenny’s pink pink pink, feminine bedroom. I love that every single girl is looking a different direction engrossed in whatever they’re doing but all together and enjoying this day with their friend. I haven’t been with a group of girls like this in a while… but more on them later.
So those bridesmaids. S.A.S.S.Y. They were as energetic and excited a group as I’ve hung out with (besides my Homewood gals!) These bright pink dresses suited them perfectly.
There were many many football games going on, so it was hard to get a picture of the boys without someone checking scores on an iPhone.
I love this one that my old friend and 2nd shooter, Natalie, got.
Payton and Jenny saw each other before the ceremony and it was just as easy and happy as could be. They are just so very comfortable with each other.
They had purchased a tv as a wedding gift to each other, but he surprised her with a tennis bracelet at this moment…
I learned that someone from Bluff Park is called a “Parkie.” Jenny grew up there and we toured around the area for their portraits.
Momma Goldberg’s was at the reception! YUMM!! Momma’s Love sandwiches and nachos for all!
There were a few glitches with the power at the reception and this is where the bridesmaids come in. Without power, there was no music for dancing. They pulled cars up close to the building, planned a make-up reception at a later date, even sang songs as they did a kick-line and limbo’d. But their persistence and the awesome work of wedding coordinator Barbara Kenyon eventually paid off… All ages were tearing up the dance floor!
Payton loving on his grandmother, who stayed til the very end, was one of my favorite moments.
Payton and Jenny had better be enjoying their honeymoon and doing a LOT of resting!