It’s always hard to choose which few pictures to include on a wedding sneak. And I truly do want my sneaks to be sneaks. I look forward to the full posts, once I’ve taken the actual time to go through them and get them perfect. But it’s also fun to give the people involved, and particularly the bride, in this case 🙂 a little taste of what’s to come.
Magen and Trey had been together for a long time (I can’t remember the exact year count, someone comment with that detail) and you shall soon see that people were really happy for them to be getting married. They’re a happy couple, it was a happy day and as I went through the images to choose some for this sneak, it became obvious that was the theme. So, look at all these smiles. I’m so glad I got to smile with them!
One of my favorite things at this wedding was the relationship Trey’s family has with each other, and Magen. This image of them laughing together at the reception made me so happy.
I have quickly learned that people are very worried/intrigued by a 37 week pregnant photographer at weddings. This older fella asked if he could take MY picture, and I think it was the SONG that was making this lady so happy, not just my belly.
If you’re not smiling as you finish this, you may need to check your pulse.