Thanksgiving is not normally one of my most favorite holidays. My family’s tradition seemed to change periodically growing up, so other than being with them (which is one of my favorite things) I didn’t feel a strong tie to anything in particular. I was, until my early twenties, a very picky eater, so I didn’t care for the traditional Thanksgiving foods. However, as I’ve aged, grown to appreciate family even more and my tastebuds have matured, it has become big fun!
We begin the day around lunch time, when we head to my mother-in-law’s house for our first meal. This year, as I fixed my hair, the phone rang. About an hour before the scheduled meal, she realized her oven wasn’t working! Most everything was already cooked, but needed to be warmed and a few things still needed to be cooked. So, she made the phone calls to change the shindig to MY house. Secretly, I loved it! I got to pull out my fine china and crystal and set a pretty table… not a normal occurrence in a house with a 3-year and 5-month old. Here is what the super speedy transformation from romper room to Thanksgiving decor looked like:
Later, we head to my parents’ house for games and cocktails before we eat all over again!
My brother and his wife headed to the mountains this year, so it was just the girls! (Well, plus my husband and father.)
Croquet was one of our games this year.
ONE of us is quite competitive. I won’t name any names. But I WILL say that she hadn’t even won here. Just made a great shot.
This is my favorite from the day. Notice my grandmother laughing in the background- she’s still quite full of life at nearly 86 years old.
My mother is also Martha Stewart.
So here’s the run down: top right- red rooster cocktails. Clockwise from top- tomato pie, green bean casserole (non-traditional,) turkey and dressing, sourdough stuffing, sweet potato souffle, traditional stuffing. There were also rolls. The tomato pie and the sweet potato souffle were far and away my favorites!
One of these girls made this unbelievable apple pie with hard sauce. Which do you think it was?