For a long time now I’ve complained about the lackluster images my free, but otherwise adequate blog posted. It bothered me that the color wasn’t quite right, that the sharpness didn’t quite come through, etc. And since the point of the blog is to show you, the reader, what I do with my camera and my clients, that was a big problem. After looking at a lot of different photographers’ blogs, I finally took the leap and bought myself a blog… and here it is! Welcome! ProPhoto is designed specifically for photographers, and if you are one, I encourage you to look to them.
Next I’m going to tell you about the goals for this blog. By telling them to you, I will be held accountable to them. I am going to try so very hard to blog twice a week. Whether it’s a personal tidbit or a recent session, I want you to have a reason to come back often. The second goal is to blog my favorites from each session (including weddings) within a week of the session. That way my clients can see a little preview before the full gallery is ready. I know the time between a session and the finished product is a hard wait and I hope this little “appetizer” will help tide them over.
Now, the BIG reason you’re probably reading this… the contest!
I’m mildly obsessed with Railroad Park in downtown Birmingham. I think it’s beautiful and just amazing that it’s in Birmingham! I want this park to stay beautiful and used for years to come. So, to promote the park and my new blog, I’m offering a free couples photo shoot AT Railroad Park. Whether engagement, anniversary, brother/sister, day-after wedding, maternity or just because… You can even win the session and then give it as a gift. All you have to do is comment on this post to qualify to win the session. On October 15 I will randomly select a winner. So spread the word, tell a friend, shout it from the mountaintop!!
I’m even including some photos of the gorgeous park and some gorgeous couples I’ve shot before. No blog post of mine should be without a photo.
Thanks for stopping by the blog- please come back next week!
I love the color as the sun is setting on the city.
The next 4 are some film images I did last fall…