I had the most wonderful morning when I got to go meet Rivers. It started out rocky for his mom, my friend, Jess. But I think the photo shoot MAY have improved their day. He was so perfectly sweet. He was two weeks old and they had a rough night before I came, but you would never have known it. Even when she’s flustered, she seems calm and I think Rivers must feel that. Just look at how relaxed he is. I was lucky enough to watch Jess and Matt wait longer than they would have preferred for their sweet little boy. So, when I noticed that this plaque was hanging above the table where we were taking pictures, I thought it very fitting. These pictures are certainly being taken in order to “celebrate” family and this sweet addition to it. I think Matt and Jess would agree, this little boy celebration was worth the wait.
This chair was Jess’ grandmothers. I noticed it as soon as I walked into the house and was so glad Rivers was comfortable there! The fact that it’s gorgeous and a family heirloom makes for a perfect picture.
Jess had not planned on having her picture made that day, but I couldn’t resist their sweet snuggles. And she’s beautiful all the time, so it doesn’t even matter if she’s ready.