It is an immeasurable privilege to be trusted to capture the best moments of people's lives. It's such a joy to capture, forever, the moments and feelings that are so fleeting. Come along and see some of my favorites...
A collection of some of my favorite moments, families and my own life.
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Halloween is more than just one night in our house. It’s more like a mini-season, lasting several weeks. First Peter and the girls carve the pumpkin. This was really Adelaide’s first year to be involved and she was not quite sure. As is the norm for her. Then we have the Trunk or Treat at […]
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Last week I got to meet the baby boy of one of my very first brides. I can’t believe it! I feel like Christina and Michael got married THIS August, not August 3 years ago! (Or was it 4? Time is flying too fast.) Aaron was 5 weeks early to meet his mom and dad. […]
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When Michelle emailed me to photograph little Caiden, he was already 4-weeks old, but was born 5 1/2 weeks early! So, he was still really sleepy when I got to meet him the day before his due date. Isn’t he beautiful? He was either having some tummy trouble or feeling sleepy, but either way, mommy […]