This shoot was on one of the prettiest days of the year. Perfect temp, low humidity, and God arranged for cloud cover for the exact amount of time the shoot took. Perfection!
I know the Etheridges through a mutual friend, but hadn’t seen them since before their baby boy “P” was born. Confession: I am always a little nervous before family shoots. So many people, all blinking and talking and uncomfortable- I never know what I’ll get. Chalk this one up to the best yet! All 3 of these lovelies were just calm and laid back and giggly, so it turned out so wonderfully. Be prepared, there are a lot of images in this post… I just couldn’t decide!
We were on a slight incline, and this one-year-old bundle of energy isn’t completely steady on his feet. Mama was working hard!
This one is just funny! I think he was doing yoga myself.
This leash made him so happy that it was ridiculous. Don’t you wish all it took was a leash to run around with to make your day?