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An unparalleled experience

I'm kennedy

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Sentimental photographer telling your story in an authentic way.

Wedding Photographer | Mom | Lover of Small Details

Southeaster Wedding Photographer

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Je Vois Photography

What a Difference 20 Months Makes

Recently I was irritated with my adorable 19-month old because she wouldn’t lay still while I was trying to change her diaper.  As she STOOD on the changing table and leaned against the wall where her initials hang, my anger melted away and turned to brilliance!  I should do a “time-lapse” blog of her in the same place I took her newborn pictures, a few days shy of 20 months ago.  Her actual 20-month birthday (if that was a thing) is today, so you get to see them!  It’s a testament to many things- how she’s grown, how I’ve improved at editing (especially white balance), and how perfect the light is in her room.