It is an immeasurable privilege to be trusted to capture the best moments of people's lives.  It's such a joy to capture, forever, the moments and feelings that are so fleeting.  Come along and see some of my favorites...

A collection of some of my favorite moments, families and my own life.

The journal

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Remember a really long time ago when I said I wanted a bride to take me wedding dress shopping with her?  Well… she did! My sister Hagen got engaged on Friday.  With one extremely type-A sister and one extremely excitable sister, we found ourselves gown shopping the very next day.  It was partly a joke, […]

bridal, Feature, personal

See Hagen Wed- Gown Shopping

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Talented people (that I LOVE) have just launched an etsy site.  My mom, sister (Hagen) and sister-in-law are all very handy and have been working almost ’round the clock to get their wares ready for purchase.  I have been so amazed by their products and so excited, that I had to interrupt my usual programming […]

Feature, personal

Talented People & Etsy

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My big girl is nearly 5 and a 1/2 and I’m finally blogging her 5th bday!  I am committed to catching up on personal posts!  This was our first birthday party away from our house.  It was also the first time we invited only friends her age.  Except that I messed up the date and […]

Feature, personal

Pierce’s 5th!