“…if I don’t see God, I’ll bow down before something else…And whether I am conscious of it or not, any created thing of which I am amazed, it is the glimpse of His face to which I bow down. Do I have eyes to see it’s Him and not the thing?” (Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts, Zondervan, Grand Rapids Michigan, 2010, 110, 112)
51. my daughters
52. how she walks with one hand up
53. creations like the ocean that awe and remind me of how small I am
54. that my mother thinks of Easter dresses for my girls long before it’s even on my radar
55. that we live within 3 miles of 3 grandparents
56. that she smiles like this (below) for the camera
57. that my brother married a girl who thinks of turtle races (and includes the winner in the family photo) and adult “mini” hunts on Easter
58. that my husband puts up with me and occasionally operates the camera.